Biosyntony Program Overview
Influence electromagnetic technologies
Principles of the mechanics of the swirling natural waves. Creation and use of the vortices. The concept Os-blood-lymph: Work on our three fundamental states: Os, Blood and the Lymph and their component symbolic system,
the synchronization of the biological clocks: Resonances SCHUMANN and waves Alpha, geomagnetic Network Hartmann
Properties of the points and the cardinal axes and the positions: lengthened, sitting, upright
Dynamic Music effect of SONOLYS: Action of the music and the sound on the cell: cellular synchronization.
Experimentation of 18 Vortices or centers of energy, which manage the physical structures, energy and psychic starting from the body of vitality.
Technique of Mandalas made up of medallions.
The mandalas make it possible to manage energy in the meridian lines of the body and to optimize the regulations. they are particularly adapted to psychotherapeutic work and of Personal Development.
Technique of balancing of the basin and the architecture of the skeleton.
Rebalancing of energies between the top and bottom, techniques of cleaning and fast regeneration.
QRA - The Most Incredible One-Second Test For Energy - Learn For Life!
If you wish to pretend that you know more, feel free. OR, learn more and you will!
INSTANTLY increase your intelligence each time you use this one-second test
If you do not know how to do the one-second energy test, your life is incomplete.
More vitally to your interests, your knowledge of life and health is incomplete.
From or many other QRA websites, you can learn this easy test.
It only takes a few seconds to learn, even for children. Use it for life.
The more you learn, the wiser your decisions certainly tend to be, hm?
The Route Of True Longevity urges you to learn more, so you can live more.
Of all that is shared within the Route Of True Longevity and many sister sites,
you'll have a hard time finding a tool more useful, for life, than the energy test.
EVERYTHING you see can be assessed for its energy levels, and their effect on you.
If you, for example, point to your fusebox with the first finger (index) of your left hand,
while someone gently pries your thumb and finger apart before and after you point to fusebox,
you will see: While you are pointing to fusebox, refrigerator, or any other significant electrical device,
You can like or dislike the realities of this test, but do you want to be near what makes you weak?,,
these are just some of the many great QRA websites you can get more information from, freely, naturally.
Learn more, that you might live more, or at least increase your probabilities of a better and greater longevity.
Never Forget Your Shapetalking Psychology - It's Already Within You
As well, the Shapetalking Psychology serves to help you to help yourself, via self-empowering shortcuts.
Every human endeavor, including those within the Route Of True Longevity , has proven to yield masters.
The Shapetalking Psychology is about imitating the shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions, billionaires.
Universal shortcuts, called PowerGems at the Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity , help you.
Specifically, they help you to help yourself, which puts you in a better position to help the TRULY helpless.
Newton's 3rd law of physics teaches us that what you do comes back to you, as it is for all of us humans.
So, engaging the universal shortcuts, the effective PowerGems of the Shapetalking Psychology, you win.
The Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity are gifts of MisterShortcut, for and to you.
Kindly engage them to help yourself, then reach out to help more of the world's poor helpless.
"Poor helpless" has more than one meaning. Here's to hoping you intercept at least one.
Universal shortcuts are a magnificent path towards winning, your kind of total winning.
QRA - The Most Incredible One-Second Test For Energy - Learn For Life!
If you wish to pretend that you know more, feel free. OR, learn more and you will!
INSTANTLY increase your intelligence each time you use this one-second test
If you do not know how to do the one-second energy test, your life is incomplete.
More vitally to your interests, your knowledge of life and health is incomplete.
From or many other QRA websites, you can learn this easy test.
It only takes a few seconds to learn, even for children. Use it for life.
The more you learn, the wiser your decisions certainly tend to be, hm?
The Route Of True Longevity urges you to learn more, so you can live more.
Of all that is shared within the Route Of True Longevity and many sister sites,
you'll have a hard time finding a tool more useful, for life, than the energy test.
EVERYTHING you see can be assessed for its energy levels, and their effect on you.
If you, for example, point to your fusebox with the first finger (index) of your left hand,
while someone gently pries your thumb and finger apart before and after you point to fusebox,
you will see: While you are pointing to fusebox, refrigerator, or any other significant electrical device,
You can like or dislike the realities of this test, but do you want to be near what makes you weak?,,
these are just some of the many great QRA websites you can get more information from, freely, naturally.
Learn more, that you might live more, or at least increase your probabilities of a better and greater longevity.
Never Forget Your Shapetalking Psychology - It's Already Within You
As well, the Shapetalking Psychology serves to help you to help yourself, via self-empowering shortcuts.
Every human endeavor, including those within the Route Of True Longevity , has proven to yield masters.
The Shapetalking Psychology is about imitating the shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions, billionaires.
Universal shortcuts, called PowerGems at the Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity , help you.
Specifically, they help you to help yourself, which puts you in a better position to help the TRULY helpless.
Newton's 3rd law of physics teaches us that what you do comes back to you, as it is for all of us humans.
So, engaging the universal shortcuts, the effective PowerGems of the Shapetalking Psychology, you win.
The Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity are gifts of MisterShortcut, for and to you.
Kindly engage them to help yourself, then reach out to help more of the world's poor helpless.
"Poor helpless" has more than one meaning. Here's to hoping you intercept at least one.
Universal shortcuts are a magnificent path towards winning, your kind of total winning.
QRA - The Most Incredible One-Second Test For Energy - Learn For Life!
If you wish to pretend that you know more, feel free. OR, learn more and you will!
INSTANTLY increase your intelligence each time you use this one-second test
If you do not know how to do the one-second energy test, your life is incomplete.
More vitally to your interests, your knowledge of life and health is incomplete.
From or many other QRA websites, you can learn this easy test.
It only takes a few seconds to learn, even for children. Use it for life.
The more you learn, the wiser your decisions certainly tend to be, hm?
The Route Of True Longevity urges you to learn more, so you can live more.
Of all that is shared within the Route Of True Longevity and many sister sites,
you'll have a hard time finding a tool more useful, for life, than the energy test.
EVERYTHING you see can be assessed for its energy levels, and their effect on you.
If you, for example, point to your fusebox with the first finger (index) of your left hand,
while someone gently pries your thumb and finger apart before and after you point to fusebox,
you will see: While you are pointing to fusebox, refrigerator, or any other significant electrical device,
You can like or dislike the realities of this test, but do you want to be near what makes you weak?,,
these are just some of the many great QRA websites you can get more information from, freely, naturally.
Learn more, that you might live more, or at least increase your probabilities of a better and greater longevity.
Never Forget Your Shapetalking Psychology - It's Already Within You
As well, the Shapetalking Psychology serves to help you to help yourself, via self-empowering shortcuts.
Every human endeavor, including those within the Route Of True Longevity , has proven to yield masters.
The Shapetalking Psychology is about imitating the shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions, billionaires.
Universal shortcuts, called PowerGems at the Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity , help you.
Specifically, they help you to help yourself, which puts you in a better position to help the TRULY helpless.
Newton's 3rd law of physics teaches us that what you do comes back to you, as it is for all of us humans.
So, engaging the universal shortcuts, the effective PowerGems of the Shapetalking Psychology, you win.
The Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity are gifts of MisterShortcut, for and to you.
Kindly engage them to help yourself, then reach out to help more of the world's poor helpless.
"Poor helpless" has more than one meaning. Here's to hoping you intercept at least one.
Universal shortcuts are a magnificent path towards winning, your kind of total winning.
QRA - The Most Incredible One-Second Test For Energy - Learn For Life!
If you wish to pretend that you know more, feel free. OR, learn more and you will!
INSTANTLY increase your intelligence each time you use this one-second test
If you do not know how to do the one-second energy test, your life is incomplete.
More vitally to your interests, your knowledge of life and health is incomplete.
From or many other QRA websites, you can learn this easy test.
It only takes a few seconds to learn, even for children. Use it for life.
The more you learn, the wiser your decisions certainly tend to be, hm?
The Route Of True Longevity urges you to learn more, so you can live more.
Of all that is shared within the Route Of True Longevity and many sister sites,
you'll have a hard time finding a tool more useful, for life, than the energy test.
EVERYTHING you see can be assessed for its energy levels, and their effect on you.
If you, for example, point to your fusebox with the first finger (index) of your left hand,
while someone gently pries your thumb and finger apart before and after you point to fusebox,
you will see: While you are pointing to fusebox, refrigerator, or any other significant electrical device,
You can like or dislike the realities of this test, but do you want to be near what makes you weak?,,
these are just some of the many great QRA websites you can get more information from, freely, naturally.
Learn more, that you might live more, or at least increase your probabilities of a better and greater longevity.
Never Forget Your Shapetalking Psychology - It's Already Within You
As well, the Shapetalking Psychology serves to help you to help yourself, via self-empowering shortcuts.
Every human endeavor, including those within the Route Of True Longevity , has proven to yield masters.
The Shapetalking Psychology is about imitating the shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions, billionaires.
Universal shortcuts, called PowerGems at the Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity , help you.
Specifically, they help you to help yourself, which puts you in a better position to help the TRULY helpless.
Newton's 3rd law of physics teaches us that what you do comes back to you, as it is for all of us humans.
So, engaging the universal shortcuts, the effective PowerGems of the Shapetalking Psychology, you win.
The Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity are gifts of MisterShortcut, for and to you.
Kindly engage them to help yourself, then reach out to help more of the world's poor helpless.
"Poor helpless" has more than one meaning. Here's to hoping you intercept at least one.
Universal shortcuts are a magnificent path towards winning, your kind of total winning.
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