Without speaking or suggesting a lie, pretend you're wealthy. Watch what happens in the next few weeks!
Kidding? Not a chance. One of the 10 great shortcuts of life, immensely powerful in the
results it quickly produces, can be compressed into a dozen or so words; words that create big change.
Act the way you want to be... you will quickly become the way you act.
IGNORE all the reasons you
can't, couldn't wouldn't shouldn't… ach, be quiet already: if you knew it better, you'd DO it better.
The world's most powerful
proof of whether you are smart, or stupid.
There's three stages, for
you, me, and everyone who has ever lived:
First, ignorance, not knowing what you want.
Then, stupidity, which is knowing what you want and not yet taking action.
Then comes intelligence:
acting upon the desire.
That's it: there are no other factual choices. No matter how many desires you are willing to put on paper right now, there are only these three choices. Should you discover a fourth, please send a letter.
Ignorant people don't know
what they want.
Stupid people can tell you
what they want.
The only smart people are
those who can tell you HOW they act upon their desires.
We now know if you're
ignorant, stupid, or smart. We know it based on what you've done in the past 24
hours, more so by what you've done (or not done) in the past week, the past
month, and the past year. For most
folks, their daily actions have pretty much been the same for the past year,
wouldn't you agree? Doesn't it apply
to you?
In every case of a human being performing with excellence, those extraordinary results are not the result of accident or coincidence. Because they specifically and intentionally pursue excellence, they end up doing better than those who pursue, and achieve, the ordinary.
Without exception, they move closer to what they want INTENTIONALLY. Not intenionally: INTENTIONALLY.
In every case, people who achieve extraordinary results are doing better than those who pursue, and achieve, the ordinary.
Without exception, they
chemically plant a seed by thinking of their desire. The more they think about it, the more they desire it. Each thought has an individual
effect. The more you question if your
signicant other (or child) is trustable, the less trustable they become in your eyes. The more you smile inside with pleasure
that you have a trustable mate (or child), the more trustable they become in your eyes.
The truth itself, whether
they ARE worthy of your trust, really and truly does not matter,
ultimately. Your perception of it is
what counts, now, and tomorrow, and as long as you feel that way.
Knowing it is so useless
until a mechanical, physical act takes place. The only way to prove that we
understand something… …is to prove
that we understand it, right? How do we prove it? With an action that demonstrates comprehension of the subject at
Knowing it means nothing until we intentionally control the thought that precedes every last action.
Knowledge is NOT power; it is potential power until someone is bright enough to employ the useful knowledge.
What excites the bright person occurs during a lull in the conscious thinking process, while the subconscious systems that comprise the largest portion of your thinking apparatus and software continue to operate at staggering speeds.
Awareness of the type that electrifies people in minutes appears reserved for those who are smart enough to slow down their thinking process, where there is no reactive judgement, in fact a suspension thereof, in order to comprehensively see the value, the powerful shortcuts of life's brightest and most effective thinkers and doers. The energy that most people use for instant reacting, instant opinion, instant praise or derogation, accounts for the largest single volume of wasted human resource.
Objectively speaking, neither you nor I has any right to any opinion on any subject whatsoever unless and until we have some personal experience with it. Reading of the experience of others does add to the mix, and still does not rise to the level of justified asseveration, does not meet the standard of licit claim to expertise, until those moccasins have been worn a mile or more, just like the old Native American admonishment tells us. (Don't judge a man until you've walked a mile in his mocassins.
more than compensates is the pure, axiomatic certainty that every single thought produces some type of result.
There's little to disprove my statement that 100% of us understand it; approximately 90% are too profoundly stupid to act upon it. If you knew better than what you're receiving this minute, you'd be doing better. If you knew it better, you'd be doin' it better! No exceptions known to this active mind that has been fortunate enough to read more than twelve thousand books (and even understanding the odd bit from some of them) as well as interviewing and/or breaking bread with, more than 5,000 measurably successful masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires.
NOTE: Since we only have 243 known billionaires in America at the end of the twentieth century, we do not propose in this forum to help you become billionaires within 100 days or so.We DO propose to make sure you are utterly prepared to generate a million dollars or more within the next 100 days or so. Only those who believe a billion is not enough stand much chance of attaining that literally one in ten billion status.
Hopefully, there are more important superstar goals in your life; far more important than money. Until you get your money worries alleviated, it's hard to believe you'll focus on these other, more important goals, specifically those goals that involve helping others.This book is designed to help you get rid of your money worries so that we can get you to concentrate on bigger goals.

By clicking this food button, and the one that will pop up, your click stimulates corporate donation of 1.1 cups of food,
donated to starving people at NO CHARGE to you.
Wow! Saving a life at no cost to you. Fair trade, ey?