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Lee Iaccoca taught that the ultimate salesman/woman is not the guy or gal that makes the sale, for everyone can make a sale.
Inhale the Shapetalking Psychology once or twice each day.
Take only the PowerGems that help you see what's inside of you,
waiting to be displayed to the world through the display of your best.
Your best has little to do with money or looks or education or circumstance.
The best in you is based quite close to exclusively to your chosen effort levels.
It is your turn to discount extrinsic influence and focus from the inside out, now.
Tomorrow is a whole new story. Getting your first step out of the way is your ticket.
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At the bottom of every page in life, like the pages of our lives,
there is a summation of what took place therein. At the Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity,
the bottom of every page carries the hope for you to realize how thoroughly undervalued you are.
With one hundred and seven million lenses in each eye, billions of computer-like neuroons,
you did not receive a manual, so the Shapetalking Psychology seeks to fill that position,
boosted by the best health tips of the Shapetalking Psychology, et alia.
You have so much inside of you, and too many people denying it.
Be one of the people who does not buy into all that nonsense.
You were born with hundreds of millions of cells and pieces.
Your mind is the most magnificent of all extant creations.
Let the bottom of your page show that you woke up,
Let the bottom of your page show that you cared,
that you dreamed, put your dreams in writing,
that you never allowed a day to pass idly,
outside of the occasional rest and relax.
Let the bottom of your page be proud,
filled with learning & earning more,
living and giving more.
It's your page.
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Large part of the Shapetalking Psychology mission and the Route Of True Longevity mission overlap.
Incorporate your most effective shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions,and the long-lived.
Both the Way of True Longevity and Psychology of Shapetalk are personal commitments, to yourself.
With all that you need to commit to in life with respect to other people, a portion must be reserved for you,
The more you competently take care of your physical needs of health, etc., and your material needs of wealth, etc.
the better-equipped you are to establish the life and lifestyle most pleasing to you, and, the better-equipped to serve others.
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