Develop more of your potential as often as you wish.

Take time for your own self-improvement.
Enrich yourself and those around you, empowering yourself with shortcuts and great approaches,
such as we find throughout the largest personal website in existence, with MisterShortcut
The Route Of True Longevity is so vast that each button on your keyboard will bring you to another healthy wealthy page for you
USE YOUR F11 keyboard button -    Big difference, ey?   You're quite welcome.

The greatest shortcuts to succeeding - leaders and achievers - our best role models Masters and Millionaires Shapetalking Psychology To Success
Learn how to succeed faster with the best shortcuts of our winners and role models

Shapetalking Psychology of Masters Millionaires Champions Billionaires Mr_Shortcut...
Reaching for the best in you with great shortcuts. The best methods of succeeding used by role models and high achievers. Develop more of your potential with effective Shortcuts worst ... how-to-succeed-faster-shortcuts-masters-millionaires -Successful Shortcuts - Self-empowerment means the power from within. From self-help to self-help, the Shapetalking Psychology helps you to help yourself more effectively... dirtiest-trials ... use The Shapetalking Psychology to accomplish and achieve success faster, very much the ...
The Shapetalking Psychology packed with the most effective success shortcuts known to man. Learning how to succeed in business, or learning how to succeed in school, are similar to learning how to succeed in music, which, not coincidentally, is very much like learning how to succeed in, well, literally in everything and anything that humans do.

Learning how to succeed is more a question of attitude than anything else.
In a nutshell, it means constant attention to one thing, and just one:
R E S O L U T I O N!

Learning how to succeed faster is little more than that.
By keeping one's focus on resolution of challenges,
dissolving or chipping away at various obstacles,
the results in all areas of your life get boosted.
This is by no means only long-term strategy,
it's a way of life that produces fast results.
If your results are now excellent, fine.
Change nothing, results stay static.
Otherwise. get busy today.
Get wealthy, get healthy.
. Secrets of success - how to succceed faster. Effective Shortcuts, golden losers

You are now, in this minute, engaged in participating in the single most powerful day of your life, and it's to your distinct advantage to realize this.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, which we know because we call it... "the present."
That's just what it is; a present; a gift... a 24-hour gift you may invest or fritter, as you see fit.
Tap into your best shortcuts today, because there is no better day to excel,
there is no better day to use truly Winning Shortcuts to your personal and professional benefit.

Go for your gold!
Again, you're reminded that I believe in you SO MUCH that I invested more than 51,000 hours into you
Fifty-oneTHOUSAND pro bono hours because you are the hope of the future,
YOU are the force and influence to counteract the greed of just five hundred and seventy-some men and women who own or control some
seventy percent of all the cash on earth, who are clearly determined to keep it for themselves.

You? You're something different, and the majority of people who are tuned into this type of self-enrichment and self-empowerment
tend to be just a bit more interested in mutuality versus selfish pursuits only.

That doesn't mean you can't be selfish.... it just means that people who pursue "better ways," and even, "better shortcuts,"
have shown quite nobly over the years of my life that sharing is good, and a part of your life.

Because of it, you and people like you have engendered my belief that, given a chance, so-called 'average Joes and Janes'
will also excel in the world's of business and money, relationships and mentoring, enjoying the fruits of hard work...
and sharing them.     Please feed people who are hungrier than you; you'll be amply repaid.
That's a promise.

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,Ah, you've made it to the Shapetalking Psychology and More Shortcuts
Enjoy the EyeCandy, and USE your best shortcuts immediately and you will glean faster results.
By the way, it's a good idea to get used to looking for hidden treats, so-called "easter eggs,"
and just plain fun here at the Shapetalking Psychology of Masters and Millionaires Champions and Billionaires
Shortcuts and more shortcuts at -- where else? The Shapetalking Psychology, possibly the world's largest website.
crafted and delivered by a pair of dedicated, pro bono hands in each of three million minutes -
all of the Shapetalking Psychology websites, the Masters and Millionaires websites,
the Shapetalking Psychology and other "Psychology of ____" sites - each and all,
are devoted to you, in hope that you'll be smart enough to smell the roses.

The Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity are, simply,
the most effective methods and the best shortcuts of world-class achievers.
Without a doubt, knowledge can and shall change the world, already is,
and it begins with you as long as you understand that knowledge alone
is not power; knowledge is only potential power until you deploy it.
Make the most of these best shortcuts at the Shapetalking Psychology,
the best Route Of True Longevity shared at the Route Of True Longevity
Learn more, live more, in hope that you'll give more. It's quite a formula;
one that has a strong tendency to induce inexplicable feelings of happiness,
of fulfillment, of what might be called "Paul Newman Syndrome" of attainment,
wherein everything you touch, everyone you touch, turns to living gold, living love.

The Shapetalking Psychology and all of the Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts websites were created using shortcuts,
specifically, the best shortcuts that human minds have produced by performing at world-class levels again and again.
Those in the Cheney class could care less about your interests,feeding only at the expense of others..
The beauty of PowerGems is that they are free, available to all humans who use them repeatedly.
You might call this an instruction in "What Many Rich People Do Not Want You To Know."
Much more importantly, there are many thousands of true winners and leaders,
from Paul Newman and Richard Branson, to so many others unnamed, unfamed,
who DO enjoy sharing their methods and their best shortcuts to success.
With each written or taped interview we can drink their sharing magic.
Now, it comes down to you. It's your turn to enjoy your share,
you and those you love. It begins with your best attitudes,
and continues through your own personal process of gain:
learning more in order to live more... to give more.
You will find no more powerful recipe of success.
Enjoy the EyeCandy, find the hidden treats,
and then go use your best shortcuts,
today and today and today.
With much love for you,
and belief in you,
I humbly remain,

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Good question.

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What else can we find at the Shapetalking Psychology ?
Good question.

Learn more in order to live more, at the Shapetalking Psychology,
where the best of your thinking is given room to breathe, expand, and experiment.
Doing things precisely as you are assures you of getting the same results again.
Improving the steps that you take on the way assures you of better results.
You will find that shortcuts work better when they're mentally supported.
In other words, it helps to believe that your efforts are succeeding.
Ala Henry Ford, who knew something about human excellence:
"Think you can, or think you can't; either way, you're right."
You know more than Henry Ford about achieving more?
If so, please do not tell us; we can hardly hear you:
SHOW US! Action is the loudest of statements.
What you can see can be brought to be.
Let's go for the best within YOU.

MisterShortcut literally crafted millions of uniques pages for your self-empowerment.

Follow your masterlinks pages and shapelinks and Tower of Health
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Countless millionaires have stated that these shortcuts helped them perform at world-class.

YOU are my hero, so please prove me right in the next hour or two. Talk less. Do more.

We will adore you, and follow you, too.

That'a a promise and a guarantee. built with love by The Godfather of EyeCandy, for You 
You are the living extension of the Shapetalking Psychology. Reach for excellence!

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The Shapetalking Psychology AND the Route Of True Longevity,
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All of these magnificent secrets and shortcuts to success,
all that you find within the Shapetalking Psychology, et alia,
without a doubt your most effective secrets and shortcuts of success,
are based upon many millions of minutes of study, research, and experience.
Only the most universal success shortcuts are presented to you as PowerGems.
Nothing succeeds like success, and the Shapetalking Psychology is a living example.
a multi-tasker, MisterShortcut invested his life in YOU.
There is no doubt that you can and ought to do better,
so you're presented with the healthiest and wealthiest,
most effective and powerful techniques and shortcuts of winners.
Those who are doing things better than you know better than you.
Is that not sufficient reason to allow leaders to guide you towards success?
Is that not a compelling reason for you to speak less and listen just a bit more?

If you have the brains to understand that your current methods are NOT producing your best,
then swallow your ego long enough to acknowledge those around us who excel repeatedly.
Like a broken record, you're reminded that those who do it know it better.
From riding horses or courting the great love of your life,
baking perfect cookies or playing piano, guitar, etc.,
there are indeed recipes in this life; good recipes,
and if that's not sufficent reason to listen,
then you're visiting here erroneously.
This is not about EyeCandy shapelinks.
It's about enjoying the learning process.
It's about a determinatino to make TODAY better.
Even if you only improve today by a mere one percent,
then you're guaranteed to double your results every 100 days.
Go for yours. Let's develop more of your untapped inner potential.

Mister Shortcut I     MisterShortcut II       Mister-Shortcut III       Mister-Shortcuts IV       Mister-Shortcut V       Mr-Shortcut VI

Mr Shortcut VII       Mister Shortcut VIII     Mr Shortcut IX       Mister-Shortcut X       Mr-Shortcut XI

Mr-Shortcut XII         MisterShortcut XIII         Mr Shortcut XIV         Mr Shortcut XV

Share the Shapetalking Psychology - Global Empowerment!

Sharing has a funny, pleasing way of returning, repeatedly

You already know that what goes up must come down, that what goes around comes around.
Today presents any number of opportunities for you, some you see, plenty that pass you by.
Today, the Shapetalking Psychology solicits your interest in developing your excellence.
So, pretend that today is that day in which you earn annual money in each work-hour.
Today is your focus, not the next 100 days of repeating and improving what you do today.
You can do it for 22 days, 100 days, 1000 days or more, provided you do it, fully, in THIS today.
What you do plays a distant second fiddle to what you do with what you know, demanding you do more.
When you awaken the Shapetalking Psychology within you, you are going to be positively electrified, as a habit.
When you imitate the best, the masters and millionaires, the champions and billionaires, you tend to imitate their results.
It is your day, your turn, your Shapetalking Psychology, your hunger driving the determination of how successful you will be today.

Develop more of who you are with the Shapetalking Psychology,
shaped and molded with love by MisterShortcut, for You

Self-help through the net's largest natural health and natural healing website, the Shapetalking Psychology.
Designed for you to live stronger for longer, naturally, The Route Of True Longevity is all about you.
As for the Shapetalking Psychology, all of these empowering and exciting websites of EyeCandy & more,
have been built for you by Mister-Shortcut, the Godfather of EyeCandy, for you to succeed faster,
for you to live stronger for longer, using the best and greatest shortcuts of role models,
the same shortcuts used by leaders, masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires.
Learn more in order to live more.   You'll certainly benefit from the shortcuts,
the so-called secrets, and the EyeCandy here at the Route Of True Longevity,
and a most-empowering website on your internet, the Shapetalking Psychology.
With your mind in mind,

Develop more of your potential as often as you wish.

Invest one to three minutes every day for self-empowerment.

It's very profitable.
Enrich yourself and those around you, empowering yourself with shortcuts and great approaches,
such as we find throughout the most exciting, empowering website in the universe, with Mr_Shortcut
Reach for the best in you, by starting today.
Asking more from yourself in any effort leads to higher expectations.
Higher expectations always and without fail lead to higher productivity.
If you believe in you just one-tenth as much as Mr-Shortcut does,
you're already committed to making today a bit more exciting,
a bit more filled with a determination to excel.

YOU determine the value of the Shapetalking Psychology,
just as you determine the value... or lack... in each day.

MrShortcut welcomes you to the world's most exciting and empowering website,
The Shapetalking Psychology is larger than any human can ever review alone...

Go ahead and tap any keyboard character
(upper- OR lower-case) for another Mister Shortcut website of empowerment and EyeCandy

If you do not find the Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity to be your most empowering websites,
let's find one that's even more empowering... and if you can't find one... CREATE IT!!

You've reached the center of your universe - where YOUR excellence counts.
The Net's biggest resource for shortcuts, best source of health tips.
You've entered the Shapetalking Psychology of Masters and Millionaires
Reach for the best in you, developing more of your untapped inner potential.
embrace the Shapetalking Psychology and you will find it reciprocates.

The Shapetalking Psychology is YOUR Shapetalking Psychology,
where the Godfather of Shortcuts uses interactive fun to promote your success.
Showing us what you can do is so much more impressive than telling us what you can do.
Do you agree that you've only achieved the smallest fraction of why you live and breathe?

The Shapetalking Psychology is a living, breathing organism within you that believes in you,
without known limits, because cybernetics makes it crystal-clear: only YOU can set limits.

With several million unpaid minutes of superlative focus building the Shapetalking Psychology
here's proof right in front of your eyes of the power and fruit of using great shortcuts.

When is it your turn to enjoy a better life?   Any reason to wait?

Using any one or more PowerGems within the Shapetalking Psychology, repeatedly,
is guaranteed to produce faster and better results for you.   GUARANTEED...
and at no charge since you knew all of this, and well, as a child,
and simply stopped using it. No more excuses, let's get busy..

The Shapetalking Psychology is a child of the mother of all sites,
the Psychology of Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires.
Free for your life because you're worth it all and more.
Look for your EyeCandy treats, many of them hidden,
in hundreds of thousands of pages created for YOU.
pursuing your finest and accelerated success,
created by the Godfather of Shortcuts,
the Godfather of EyeCandy,

At the bottom of the page, this is your life. The sooner you get excited about Life,
the sooner Life gets more interested and excited about you in particular.
The Shapetalking Psychology urges you to learn a tiny bit more,
The Shapetalking Psychology wants you to live a bit more,
cleaning out your mental and physical garbage, NOW!
The sooner you get cleaned out, you are promised results.
More energy, more brain function efficiency, more results all around.
Doing a good cleanse is the single biggest step toward securing your future.

Healthiest and wealthiest website in town,
surely the healthiest and wealthiest website of the neighborhood,
All to help you to help yourself. Stand up straighter; it really matters.
We, and that likely includes you, tend to be attracted to people who stand up.
It says so much, doesn't it? Why not be what you imagine you'd like to be?
Is that a daring thought for you? The simple act of being as you'd like?
Have you ever tasted the power and efficiency increase of doing so?
Do you know that everything you touch gets better when you do so?
At the bottom of the page, you'd do better if you knew better.
The Shapetalking Psychology is a living hope to help.
The greed, the kakistocratic corporatization?
It's offensive beyond our mere words.
Too many deaths, just from greed.
One way to fight back is here.
Everyday people and shortcuts.
Put them together you have power.
The best shortcuts and secrets of power.
Here's a great example: stop asking people "IF."
The word "if" is the height of weakness and indecision.
From this moment forward, use your greatest PowerGems repeatedly.
Instead of asking someone "IF" they want to buy from or date you, etc.,
make it a lifetime habit of asking them which of different choices they prefer.
Always making it clear that it's THEIR choice of the best among two or more choices.
Rather than asking, "You don't want to go to dinner sometime, do you?" That's not a good question.
"Sometime" is too vague, indicating you are indecisive. The idea devolves to learning how to win in sixty seconds.

Let's repeat that: how to win in sixty seconds. It's a powerful phrase and not one iota less true for it.

How to win in sixty seconds. If you have ten seconds to try a powerful little trick that works well to boost your immune system and increase your probabilities of success, simply say those six words out loud. "How to win in sixty seconds." Say it a second time, a bit clearer, please. "How   to   win   in   sixty   seconds." Examine whether or not it makes the tiniest difference to you. Now, say it two more times, clearly and crisply, as if you and I are speaking together and see how distinct the difference is after the second set. Is that funny, or what? Every human ever asked reports a definite difference in physical feeling. It is precisely the same effect as that which happens when you're standing on a street corner and you feel a pressure at your back while hearing a menacing voice telling you to stick your hands up. So many body systems instantly respond. Flight or flight syndrome shuts off the digestive process to free up resources for defense, blood flow instantly draws away from the skin to be prepared to be sent to organs if needed. It's all magnificent. Your brain actually commanded your body to take a wide range of defensive measures, even down to telling you to flinch and clench your muscles tightly. Your brain gave a command based on a non-painful physical touch in your back and a voice. That's how powerful your brain is and yet you continue to deny its awe-inspiring power.

Never mind that it's your next-door neighbor just joshing you a bit. Your brain took in the information and made a series of decisions. In fact, once you realize that it is in fact your neighbor, your brain then issues a whole different and opposing sets of commands, relaxing the muscles, turning off the adrenaline flow, allowing blood flow to return to extremities and the face, where your instantly pallid complexion relaxes again into its normal healthy color, and quite a few more as well.

All of this adds up to perfect and daily proof in your own life that your brain has staggering power residing therein, and if you want to know how some people manage to run two hundred companies and still have free time, they have cracked the barrier of time itself by simply using just a bit more of the resources they have access to... than you are.

This little so-called "trick" of stating something affirmatively out loud,
for all that naysayers continue laughing at it, take a look around.
Hundreds of thousands of people are creating better results.
The power of verbal affirmation does NOT make you rich.
It simply adds juice to your other efforts. Remember this,
because there is no replacement for daily action,
even when it's just one single minute.
The trick here is "DAILY."

Links to winning with the best success shortcuts of all time

How can the Shapetalking Psychology be so certain of YOUR succeeding?
Because you already know, deep down inside of you,
precisely how to succeed at anything you wish.
You can give great advice to any child, hm?
Why not pretend YOU are that child?
Give yourself your best advice.
Good things tend to result.