What’s Pestering YOU?
Sorry to have to bring it up; the importance is tough
to exaggerate.
When we eat, we sometimes
take in other life forms that are still alive.
Most of them are far too small for the human eye to see, or nose to
smell; really tiny critters. From first
breath to last, free radicals (whose primary function is to eat human flesh)
are the least of our multi-legged non-friends to impact our lives. There are in
fact many thousands of life forms we ingest and keep.
As the years go by, they nestle comfortably throughout your digestive system. Health food fanatic or couch-fried potato, the inner lining of your not-so-small small intestine has years of undigested red meats and thousands of bacteria and multi-celled nasty little creatures that are designed to drain & strain your body, all crammed up against the walls of that very long tube of wet darkness..
By the time we reach age fifty, the average American has an
average of fifty-five pounds of undigested red meat and fecal
matter lodged against the walls of the lower and not-really-smaller intestine. Do you think this might be an ideal breeding
ground for the nasty little creatures that prefer to eat rotten meat in dirty,
dank, moist places? Apologies can be
repeated all day for raising such an unpleasant issue. In fact, the only thing more unpleasant than
talking about this very real fact of YOUR life is having to live through it.
Some Russian scientists, in the course of unrelated study,
saw that minor electrical impulses literally stimulate parasites in every
living human body. We are not talking
about the healthy level of immune-boosting foreign presence/particles in the
human body. You are hosting very real parasites, as are all of us. Some are good, the vast majority are not.
scientists established photographically-documented results wherein small
capsules with specific electric impulses empty your body of the vast majority
of as many as hundreds of millions of unnecessary – or at least excessive –
parasites living off of the undigested animal proteins and natural decay called
fecal matter… in your lower intestine.
If you think that any of this is an
exaggeration you are invited to look into an encyclopedia or call your family
Ask how many
parasites live in the typical human intestine, particularly in adults.
Dr. Cohen is a strong
proponent of the device, using it himself every few months.
Stop IV
Calorie Chart
Stop V
Stop VI
Stop VII
Stop X
Stop XI
Stop-smoking XV
Quit-smoking XVI
Quit-smoking XVII
Stop Smoking IV
Ayurvedic Medicine
Ayurveda II
Chelation II
Mineral Infrared Therapy
Infratonic - Natural Pain Management Rife Technology
Ayurvedic Medicine
Breath of Life
Acoustic Cardiograph
Brain Tuner
BioSyntony IV |
BioSyntony V |
BioSyntony VI |
BioSyntony Overview
Curing Colds
How to eliminate internal parasites naturally
Doctors II
Health Index - The facts
Herbal Medicine
Herbal Medicine II
Masters and Millionaires
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Psoriasis Medical Destiny Your Choice
Asclepius VS Hygea
Endorsements (Patients, Doctors, Practitioners, etc)
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