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Health Tips For better, longer living from Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires from those who are already living the fruits of their own Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity
Keep in mind that the Route Of True Longevity does not extend your life.
The Route Of True Longevity teaches us how to extend our own lives, naturally.
Learn from people doing it better than you. Identify what you want to be best at. Find people who REPEATEDLY perform in that area at world-class levels. Imitate them, and you will imtate their results.
This not a "SOME OF THE TIME" PowerGem. Master success shortcuts succeed persistently for whosoever persists. Reach for more in yourself, and you will see the world reaching more for you, as well. doing it!!
PowerGems are the wonderful shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires, Champions and Billionaires
how to succeed with successful health shortcuts. |
Keep our heroes alive by LIVING, DOING more! Remember 911day. Keep our heroes alive by LIVING, DOING more! Remember 911day.
The Godfather of Shortcuts, The Wizard of EyeCandy, is thrilled to present you,
tHE HEALTHIEST Website on the internet.
Best Healthy tips for healthier, better, longer living.
The Route Of True Longevity aims to bring to you with healthy tips for healthier living.
Perhaps more than any other Website, you will find more of the best health tips and health-promoting methods and techniques.
Getting healthier by taking control of your health decisions, staying healthier, living longer, is a simple matter of using the same shortcuts used by masters and millionaires champions and billionaires.
What benefit is there in arguing with success?
These shortcuts produce fast results for those who put these shortcuts to use.
Healthy tips for longer better living, healthier lifestyles and greater quality of life.
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Longevity Secrets From The Route Of True Longevity
Be honest: Have you given fair consideration to the fact that excellence, like Longevity, is far more a choice than a chance? Whether you are chasing financial wealth or the wealth of fabulous health, excellence is a choice, excellence is a choice. You are going to make thousands of decisions per hour all throughout this day; many thousands of decisions per hour! By simply investing five, ten, maybe sixty seconds considering decisions that you normally make without cogitation,
you find that more and more of your decisions have the ring of excllence about them, even if you are pretending. You have that right: pretending that you have great ways to be excellent generally pans out very nicely for you. If you are in a serious rush for excellence, find those who are doing it much better, and learn to imitate them. Those who repeatedly show it the best repeatedly prove that they know it the best. These are our best sources of information. First copy their recipes: their words, actions, attitudes (both physical and otherwise). That recipe will unlock your own creativity. It may be the most vital way of avoiding the time-consuming efforts of trial and error, absolutely reducing your time requirements.
The Route Of True Longevity urges you to remember that, unlike money, time cannot be replaced. Invest your time in master recipes. You can always add your personal flavor, your innovations and personal experience and knowledge, AFTER you get their recipe right. You have already developed specific skills imitating those doing it better than you. Now, do it again, with bigger self-empowering goals. If you are not getting your information from the mouth of the horse, does that not mean you're getting it from the wrong end of the horse? The Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity surround you with the best shortcuts and approaches of those doing it best of all. Invest a few precious minutes each day of your life expanding your brain, your lungs, your capacity to induce your excellence on purpose. The reason that excellence cannot be repeated accidentally is that excellence itself cannot be achieved without intention and repetition. Whatever you did yesterday, whatever you "plan" to do in a tomorrow that may not come for you, make your today one percent better.
Repeating this process one thousand days in a row will take you unto and into world-class mastery at whatever you may choose. This is a primary process used by MisterShortcut to break and shatter hundreds of world records per year after year after year. When you ardently embrace a sense of the Route Of True Longevity, find the Route Of True Longevity embracing you, too. Above all, a claim to mastery needs action upon knowing that excellence, like Longevity, is more choice than chance. Water, air, salt, oil, fiber, and friendly bacteria. Did you know that these are the five most critical of all your foods? Your kidneys pump more than a pint of blood every minute of your life, and need both cooling and flushing out. You want to flush the nutrients into the blood to nutrify you, which means passing energy from food to you. You also want to flush the filthy toxins clogging up the kidneys, the only organ that cannot be repaired. So, only drink water in those hours that you wish to flush and cool off your poor overworked kidneys.
Salt does not mean overheated dangerous stuff from supermarkets. Air-dried sea salt is the third. Third most critical nutrient you will ever have, responsible for many scores of critical functions. Oil means oil that has never been heated, which is why we have the phrase "first-pressed."
These three alone are primary factors for a majority of how long and how well you live. Shh. If you knew better, you would do better. Longevity is one life-treat best imitated.
Remember that the Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity are learning tools.
No products, no natural supplements or natural vitamins - not even a human being, can possibly cure you.
"Curing" and "healing" and even "treatment" are words that are best left to to your own consideration.
The purpose of is to care and share, helping you and your loved ones
to stand on your own two feet, in a sense, by learning more in order to live more.
The FDA has not, to our knowledge, reviewed any of these pages, ergo,
has availed no opportunity to approve (or disapprove) of what these pages say..
You and your doctor or other primary health care provider can, indeed should,
explore Route Of True Longevity in order to wean you from prescription drugs and surgery.
Do not be shocked to learn that, for trauma, America is the best of the best.
For serious diseases and illnesses, we are not even in the top ten.
Sorry, not even in the top twenty of the so-called civilized nations.
Natural remedies and approaches have a better history of safety,
and, in a numerically superior fashion, higher degree of success.
Prescription drugs are not quite what we were brought up to believe.
The more we learn, we longer and stronger we tend to live.
We urge you and your doctor or other primary health care provider to learn more about natural healing.
Take anything and everything you wish from and compare it, carefully,
to any other legitimate source of information in the world where no dollar interest is at stake.
We believe you'll find that will help you and your loved ones
to live stronger, longer... ... naturally.
Welcome to and the Shapetalking Psychology.
Built for you with much love.
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That is what these healthy wealthy websites are all about, and, beyond all seeming possibility, from one pair of preternaturally busy hands: many hundreds of thousands of unique creations.
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