Share the Shapetalking Psychology With Global Generosity!
Share the Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity with YOUR world,
Sharing has a funny, pleasing way of returning, repeatedly
You already know that what goes up must come down, that what goes around comes around.
Today presents any number of opportunities for you, some you see, plenty that pass you by.
Today, the Shapetalking Psychology solicits your interest in developing your excellence.
So, pretend that today is that day in which you earn annual money in each work-hour.
Today is your focus, not the next 100 days of repeating and improving what you do today.
You can do it for 22 days, 100 days, 1000 days or more, provided you do it, fully, in THIS today.
What you do plays a distant second fiddle to what you do with what you know, demanding you do more.
When you awaken the Shapetalking Psychology within you, you are going to be positively electrified, as a habit.
When you imitate the best, the masters and millionaires, the champions and billionaires, you tend to imitate their results.
It is your day, your turn, your Shapetalking Psychology, your hunger driving the determination of how successful you will be today.
for the Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity can be used by all.
The more we give away in life, the more that life is sure to repay our kindness.
Empower people to empower themselves, effectively teaching us all to help.
The helpless of the world, humans and creatures, all within air, sea, land,
all cry out to you to reverse the unconscionable greed of the wealthiest.
Share the Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity today.
Help to even up the playing field, living a life that lives beyond you.
What you know has remarkably little value, right up until the moment you use it.
Some of our best success secrets are right in front of our face which we ignore.
Wonderful things happen in your life when you raise your belief levels.
That DOESN'T MEAN that positive attitudes solve your problems,
because so far we've seen no useful evidence of that.
What it DOES mean is that your brain becomes better tuned,
better-zoned, you might say, to resolve the challenges that every human faces.
The Shapetalking Psychology aims to keep you in a better zone of thinking and acting,
a more efficient way of using the fourteen hundred and forty minutes you have every day.
The Shapetalking Psychology Is A Never-Ending Quest, A Pleasure To Embrace
A few more tastes of the Shapetalking Psychology. The more you learn, the more you know.
The more you know, the better your decisions get. Best of all, you can repeat this.
ANY step or shortcut that is repeatable carries the seed of your wealth.
age14success Ballerina Bartender Mind Boost BenRich
Besttest Getting Dates
Cold Cure 100grand
Computer Shortcuts 2
Dream dare Doctors
Doctors 2
Focus Free Power Critics
Doctors Failure Sock Hunger
Iceberg Important Last Ruby Guess Masters Medical Destiny
Millionaires 2000 Missions Mousetoy
Page 22
Table of Contents
Page 22 Piano Power Popcorn Thinking
Science Write
Willm Blythe
Viola Who Moving Naysayers Shorcuts
Ruby 2 Pay Yourself Science
Computer Shortcuts 1 Satisfaction Health Write
Ruby 3 32000 Pareto Viola
Shorcuts I
Shortcuts IV Shorcuts.US is your SHORCUTS capital!
Millionaires2000 Reach At 14
We hear your claims that you're "going to" use your wisdom at some point in time.
"Sometime" is the name of an island located in the oceans named "Nowhere."
In the next twenty-four hours, we get a clear picture of your life.
Either you will perform much as you did yesterday, (probable),
which assures you of not getting much better results,
or you will embrace THIS day with your excellence.
Please do not burden us with what you can do.
As Henry Ford taught so many decades ago,
you cannot build a reputation
based on what you are going to do.
What you DO with what you know fascinates us. Do more with what you know.
The Shapetalking Psychology is already inside of you.
Unlike any other person or organization in your life,
the Shapetalking Psychology believes you HAVE wisdom.
Our challenge is only in getting you to use what you know,
to make more use of physical and non-physical resources at your disposal..
Works for all people, includingyou.
Not just any shortcuts: only the best of the best,
the shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires.
Welcome to a taste of the Shapetalking Psychology,
where most every page can be matched with most any other;
any paragraph or two can be combined with any other of the millions of paragraphs
that the Shapetalking Psychology is such an important part of: Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts,
the greatest shortcuts of all time, from those who know, who know better because they do better, consistently,
repeatedly failing and succeeding with spectacularity, our masters and millionaires, your champions and billionaires,
because getting it from the mouth of the horse is preferable to getting it from the wrong end of the horse, wouldn't you say?