All one thousand and more of the Masters and Millionaires sites, such as
the Shapetalking Psychology, packed with great shortcuts for succeeding faster,
and the Route Of True Longevity, aiming to help you to heal yourself, naturally,
produced for you in the belief that you were born to rise to your highest potential,
in nurturance of you passing on some of what you're about to obtain.
Your life is thoroughly and indisputably about to change, rather dramatically.
You do not see shopping carts in all of these thousands of pages, for good reason.
You're entitled to the most useful information in the world, the best shortcuts of all.
the healthiest tips to Longevity used by those who know best by living better longer.
The multi-billion-dollar value of the Shapetalking Psychology is free for your life,
perhaps most of all because it's already inside of you, and always has been.
All of the EyeCandy and Shapelinks, designed to increase your pleasure,
are the innovations and promotions of your chief fan, cheerleader, and coach     MisterShortcut.US     MrShortcut.US    

PowerGems: the Shapetalking Psychology PowerGems,
the world's universal shortcuts that always work!
Before you move further, you should know this:
Shapetalking Psychology PowerGems work,
approximately 100 percent of the time,
for about 100 percent of the users,
who use them 100 times each.
Join the circle of winners.

To mention just one example of a thousand, you have an idea for a business.
Is it in writing?

Have you listed the names and phone numbers of those who can help?

Have you taken the time to call 1-800-FED-INFO? Talk about free money!

Have you "interviewed" at least three to ten people already in that business?
Please do not pay attention to people who explain why you cannot. They are usually wrong.
THEY ARE RIGHT only insofar as their own ability or willingness to excel very intentionally.

You must find people who are succeeding at that which you will also succeed at. They are your tickets.
That's because the people who do it the best prove that they know it the best, not the naysayers.

As long as gasoline powers your automobiles, the dollar cost does not matter. It was recently enough in my own life when a quarter bought my sister a gallon of gas, enough to drive her old, 1967 VW Beetle around for most of the week.

A quarter. The cost of bringing you that gallon of gas has risen by at least twenty percent in each of the past several decades. The price to you, however, has repeatedly doubled in each of the past several decades. To minds that operate at a brighter wattage than yours, the criminality of taking so much more money AWAY from those who actually generate it, rolling uphill instead of down, as in all successful capitalistic societies, is the lesser of the most insidious threats. Greater by far is the stupidity of those who support it. Two entirely separate universes of thought combine to create a synergy that assures our upcoming generations of challenges you have never been exposed to, so have no thought of.

What is the largest portion of the risen expense of getting that gasoline into your car?
You have to love the first answer even as you revile it, because it's the increase in the cost of gasoline that it takes to deliver the gas to service stations around the country.

Okay, that's a joke, and still partly true. The only expense that has gone up by more than the cost of the gas it takes to deliver the gas is, as a precious few of you have already figured out or guessed, is executive pay and executive theft.

As the only human I personally know who can look you in the eye and bill you one hundred dollars per minute for million-dollar shortcuts per minute to fall from my lips, supported by the training of the five thousand and two hundred masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires I've broken bread with, interviewed, and/or worked for or with, there is no hesitation from within to asseverate that executive compensation is beserk, and singlehandedly represents one of the five great threats pushing us to extinction as a great nation. How much money can you need?

A single PowerChat is sufficient to recover my requirements for a year. There is rent, food, and a few necessities and treats. Everything else is materialistically repulsive, because of the one fact that a staggering eighty to ninety percent of you have forgotten.

Whatever your religion, the bottom line in all of them are the same: How you treat the least among your sub-elite. That's it. There's nothing else but blatherskite, the empty words of fat people who ate someone else's food without growing it, improving or increasing it, without earning it in any significant way.

Learning that the NY Yankees and their executives get free valet parking at a cost to taxpayers of forty to eighty million dollars has incredibly erased my lifetime love of the NY Yankees. You could not get me to ever go to or even watch another game as long as I live. Two hundred and seventy-five million dollars to a fellow hitting a ball and such? So sorry to sound like an overly-religious kook, your own holy book, whatever your religion, says that such luxury money is a direct theft from the least among you.

Yes, yes, it's understood that your childhood issues, still thriving and growing in adulthood and moving you further from ease, which is where we get "disease" from. You cannot have a dozen extra steaks in your freezer. YOU want a hundred and fifty. Okay, so you're a bit odd. It is when we see you with hundreds of thousands of steaks in your freezer as you let your neighbor's kid die from starvation that it becomes so offensive it rises to the level of criminality.

Today, we see people with thousands of millions of steaks in their freezer that they have no hope of eating. Fifty thousand dollars on a car? The parents and grandparents of your own Grampa and Grandma are spinning in their graves at your obscenities. They didn't earn fifty thousand dollars in a lifetime and you choose to fall for the idea that putting a different shaped plastic shell around the same engine makes it worth tens of thousands of additional dollars. Those advertising folks sure got you by the shorties. Were you the kid that always seemed to get a wedgie in summer camp or the school locker room? If so, you get the choice in this minute in time to wake up and understand that showing off to the neighbor does not give you a better life. It costs you five to twenty-five times, in actual dollars, the number of dollars you THINK you are spending on, for example, that car.

It most assuredly applies to so many other expenses you are so clearly lost within.
Do you know, for example, that when you go on the "100-day Starvation Diet" you get rich?
Do you know that when you go on the 1000-Day Starvation Diet, you become a multi-millionaire?

No, you don't literally starve; it's merely an expression. Consider WHY it is has a macabre title.

As surely as starvation will kill you in one hundred days, eliminating all but necessary expenditures for one hundred days will assuredly show you every one of a dozen master secrets of the universe.

As you may have already figured out, master secrets of the universe are those shortcuts that work in everything you do. Most of you believe that knowing the master secrets of the universe will bring you everything you want. This is identical to the belief that knowledge is power. In both cases, you, and whoever taught you that, are guilty of nothing more serious than insufficient thinking. Quality, quantity, it doesn't matter, because when you use enough of either one, you hit the correct answer. That's what is meant by the concept believed by some who adopt the title of "scientist" who tell you that, if you have enough monkeys and typewriters in the room, one of those monkeys will, at some point in time, accidentally type out the entire works of Shakespeare. the Shapetalking Psychology leans towards the more pragmatic, that which is practical on a daily basis for most any and every human to grasp and make use of immediately.

Knowledge is not power, and knowing the master secrets of the universe
distinctly does not assure you of delivering what you wish.

First, knowledge being power. Not even close, Child, not even vaguely close.

Knowledge is nothing more and thankfully is no less than... potential power.

Knowing something has no value whatsoever unless and, more, UNTIL you engage that power in a focused effort. For anything to be focused, there must be a point of focus. This means that, unlike eighty or so percent of all of your decisions, knowing the goal in advance.

Most of us are in fact impressed with how busy you can get when you need to. It is your failure to maintain focus on anything particularly important or worthwhile in your life that not only sources at least nine of your top ten problems or challenges, but as well is your source of resolving most or all of them.

The alternative to waiting for someone to deliver you the winning lottery ticket is using your own mind. Look at from a question YOU ask of the rest of the world: If you knew that, get this, one hundred percent of more than a thousand big lottery winners have all ended up in misery or death, would you still want a shot at that particular ring of life? A thousand of a thousand big winners who, without exception, proved to be losers, and still, a good eighty percent of the population is dumb enough to keep on trying for that one in four hundred million chance to possess enormous instant money.

Take control of your destiny, which is the same as your destination.
Decide in advance where you want to go, and what is the best route.
Identify every person or organization who can help you get there.
Never, as long as you live, fail to greet the dawn with a map.
Know now and forever: the more you write, the more you make.
Write down the five most important things you need to do.
Put aside your thoughtlessly stupid, petty conversations.
Embrace your own sense of the Shapetalking Psychology.

Excellence does not - in fact, CANNOT - occur accidentally
the Shapetalking Psychology is your collection of master secrets of the universe

Success comes far more often in such cases to those
whose focused effort is determined in advance.

Knowing where you are going in advance is a hallmark of being a wise person.
YOU GET TO BE WISE AT HIGH SPEED embracing the Shapetalking Psychology.
You get to live stronger for longer embracing your Route Of True Longevity .

Above all, and at the bottom of every page of life you live,
what you know means little in the face of what you do with what you know.

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the Shapetalking Psychology.

WHATEVER IT IS THAT YOU WISH TO BUY, you can always find a better deal.
That doesn't mean driving yourself crazy over petty purchases, it means staying alert;
alert to opportunities all around us to generate money or to save money, especially in stores.
Printed price tags in stores are hardly incscribed in stone. Use your mental tools to get better prices.
For example, the more time a salesman spends with you, the more likely you can get him to drop the price.
No matter what he or she tells you, this is true more than eighty percent of the time. Use it to your advantage!.

If you can't think of three reasons for the seller to give you a discount, then try just one.
Try it a few times, making certain that you don't just lay down and accept a "No!".
Simply smile and give them another reason to give you a discount.
The higher the cost of the item, the higher the savings.
These are additional dollars staying in your pocket,
to be used for better investments in your future.
Stop accepting retail prices without question.
It's ridiculous, and, so sorry, tends to...
well, yes, it makes the buyer look silly.
Ask for a better price.   Then ask again.
the Shapetalking Psychology means NOW.
the Shapetalking Psychology IS now.
The more you get "into" life,
the more it gets into you.

If you only have so many of something, of anything, do you not treat it that way?
More than anything you ever possess or encounter in life, your minutes are that precious.
You can replace dollars, and you can never replace minutes. Why do you prioritize so poorly?
Every human, every student of the Shapetalking Psychology who examines any one thousand minutes,
INEVITABLY and consistently find many thousands of seconds to recover and use more intelligently.
What you know means so little in the face of what you do with what you know, right?
Let's make today a day worth remembering for as long as you continue breathing.
Today has eighty-six thousand unique opportunities to prove you're "all that."
Please, speak less and do more, including remembering to help the helpless.

Health Index - Route Of True Longevity

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