Employ the Shapetalking Psychology,  with the Godfather of EyeCandy
Millions of enriching, empowering web pages ... created for you by the prolific MisterShortcut
One of the few great certainties of life is that you're capable of doing better one time for every twelve tries.
Engaging in this one practice is absolutely guaranteed to double your results or income in every area of human endeavor.
The simple act of getting one percent better every time you try something has magical results that defy all logic.

It is a perfect shortcut of life - a PowerGem. This one shortcut alone works approximately every time.
Without exception, one additional success for every twelve tries doubles your results and dollars.

Use your Shapetalking Psychology to help feed starving people - NO CHARGE!
YOU are making the difference
Big-hearted sponsors of thehungersite.com (no relation) perform many miracles every single day.
At last count, these great givers have been buying growing thousands of cups of food each day.
That's not for each year! Thanks to YOU, far more than any other audience on the planet,
many thousands of cups of food per hour are generated one click at a time, by you.
The Shapetalking Psychology has always supported this magnificent task,
generating new and well-earned business while helping human beings.
Please click through every single day to save a life every day.
You are making this the most successful of all such tries,
out-performing every other food drive in history.
You have earned the most "thank you's".
You have become saviors of earth,
of all starving children.
Thank you so much!

Enjoy one of the most beautiful websites in town,
one of the most beautiful websites on the planet,
one of the most beautiful websites on the internet,
and surely one of the most beautiful websites in the universe.
This is the Shapetalking Psychology

The Shapetalking Psychology includes great shortcuts that are greater shortcuts,
adding up to what amounts to the largest collection of the greatest shortcuts ever compiled.
Best shortcuts? You bet - plenty of the best shortcuts to success we are likely to soon find,
conglomerated and decocted as it is from all of the best shortcuts that our best role models use,
the best shortcuts of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires, the best shortcuts of all time.

One can hope you find the Shapetalking Psychology to be gorgeous,
one of the most beautiful websites on the World Wide Web,
one of the most beautiful websites on the planet,
one of the most beautiful websites on the internet,
and surely one of the most beautiful websites in the universe.
That's one of the main goals of the Shapetalking Psychology.

The Shapetalking Psychology includes great shortcuts that are greater shortcuts,
adding up to what amounts to the largest collection of the greatest shortcuts ever compiled.
Best shortcuts? You bet - plenty of the best shortcuts to success we are likely to soon find,
conglomerated and decocted as it is from all of the best shortcuts that our best role models use,
the best shortcuts of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires, the best shortcuts of all time,
here at the EyeCandy Capital of the Internet, the EyeCandy Capital of the universe..

911day Photos - Tribute To Friends

Health Index - Route Of True Longevity

Wealth index into the Shapetalking Psychology

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Golden Losers and Golden Winners - Talk Is Cheap!
Golden Losers and Golden Winners - Actions Tell Us More Than Words!

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Shapetalking Psychology Master Secrets Of The Universe

You are promised: The power to change the world transfers.
With no more or less than these words does energy move.
You are a record-breaking human, and we shall prove it.
Energy cannot die, it's quite alive in these words, hm?
Do now as MisterShortcut, silently breaking records.
As you feel the excitement growing, that is energy.
Countless world records, transferred over to you.
Energy doubles when shared. Please, accept it.
Capturing your fire is no more than a decision.
Focus, incessantly, on what you most desire.
Go. Do. Shhh. Get that one percent better.
To you top seven-percenters: each day!
One percent per day, times 100 days,
totals double what you have now,
more than you have today.
Double what you know;
Double who you are.
Of course it works.
Actions prove all.
Who knows better than those who shatter the most world records?
The Shapetalking Psychology is born of those who repeatedly do best.
Winners make a habit of doing what losers profess to know in great detail.
The only people in the room entitled to an opinion have striven a hundred times.
One percent repeated a thousand times is a thousand times what you started with.
One percent repeated two thousand times is a million times what you started with.
One percent repeated 3,000 times gives you a billion times what you started with.
MisterShortcut invites you to speak less and do more in the next sixty minutes.
Without exception, without fail, your results are assured of improving nicely.
What you know means little in the face of what you do with what you know
That's why you need not tell us what you can do, now, or in the future:
we can see, without you saying a word, based on what you do now.

Assist the Shapetalking Psychology in helping TheHungerSite feed starving children AND adults - NO CHARGE

Free Food Button - Help The Shapetalking Psychology Erase Starvation

Terrific sponsors buy cups of food for starving folks for free clicks at TheHungerSite (no relation).
Clicking this food button and the one that appears,
a dying life is saved... no charge to you.

Can there be a sweeter function or sweeter shortcut for the Shapetalking Psychology ?

we know it is not possible to act without engaging equal and opposite effect, right?

Let's use Newton's Third Law of Physics for a most wonderful application:
saving lives of people who are dying horribly from lack of food.

These are the world's most brilliant findings, unassailable by any licit authority.
It supersedes the research of a thousand men, because it's the findings of far more.
Those who do it the best know it the best. Everyone else is engaged in blatherskite.
If you wish to learn from the best, from the Shapetalking Psychology on outwards,
you obviously haven't the million-dollar entry fees, so you will help others.
Half of your new wealth fairly belongs to the Shapetalking Psychology.
Take that half and invest it into helping the helpless, every day.
Relax, you will have more than plenty to indulge your desires.
The Shapetalking Psychology leads to fantastic, repeat wealth.
Since you cannot pay for the Shapetalking Psychology in currency,
you must agree to pay by helping the helpless, where and as you find them.
Black, white, green, red, fiesta yellow number seventeen by BenjMo, or any color.
Suffering children are suffering children. Close your mouth and find some you can help.
Newton's Third Law promises that the half you cast upon the waters will in fact come back.

Reach For More, And You Get To Taste Sweet Fruits Of Success

MisterShortcut Has A Question For You
Can you achieve a one percent increase? Does it take one year, month, week, day, or hour?
Whatever you determine to be your "one percent time frame," multiply it one thousand times more.
Doing it part-time, separate from all other functions of your life, an hour or two per week, may well suffice.
Do not spend any profit. One percent is achievable in a week or an hour, depending upon your hunger.
Hunger inevitably determines the level of education in any and every human field of effort.
Knowing in advance that you are counting only to one thousand, start immediately.
One percent, whether it takes you an hour or a week, is a repeatable function.
It is the greatest secret of wealth accumulation, known as compounding.
Thanks to technology, a month of research is done in a moment.
Thanks to technology, trading costs less than one percent!
Further, your cost starts dropping with all new profit.
Do not wait for more and bigger profits in trading.
Take your tiny profits, repeatedly, gratefully.
Shhh. Less talking, and more doing.
Wealth is yours to be earned...
simply one percent at a time.