Imagine Love - with the Shapetalking Psychology

Imagine love. Put yourself in place to imagine someone loving you enough to silently invest millions of minutes,
focused on sharing with you the very best shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions, and billionaires.
This is most defined love that a human can offer who has no personal family to stay focused upon.
Let the Shapetalking Psychology hold your hand and gently push you from behind.
The best peaceful defense against the uber-greedy is globality of sharing.
The more we disseminate your self-empowering secrets and shortcuts,
the more we help to The playing field, to raise tides and waves.
JFK taught us that a rising tide lifts all boats. Let's do it, hm?
Using the shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions,
you'll rapidly double your results in all that you do.
Ten percent is the tiniest portion of pay for you.
That means sharing more than ten percent.
It is the one immutable commandment.
All others are subject to your point of view,
applied as they fit your particular circumstances.
If you are inclined to shave corners only in your favor,
nothing normal or human will alter such a losing state of mind.
For the ethically-focused, it is easy to follow commandments of life.
Treating others as you wish to be treated is a great example of flexibility.
There are times and circumstances where your very survival can depend upon it.
The only immutable PowerGem of wealth is that you will never give less than ten percent.
The more you give, the more comes back to you. You have no choice in accepting this Newtonism.
You can like it, resent it, embrace or eschew it. With that, you will never affect the purity of its perfection.
If you were able to imagine someone loving you this much, imagine you accepting and redistributing some of it.

Use the Shapetalking Psychology to help feed starving people - NO CHARGE!
You are all the difference
Terrific sponsors imagine love: they buy 1.1 cups of staple food for starving people with free clicks to (no relation to us).
When YOU imagine love and click this food button and the one that pops open you save a human life... at no charge to you.
Can there be a more noble effort of the Shapetalking Psychology ?   Newton's 3rd law.... oh, yes, imagine love.

Imagine love, empowering your better strains of thought.
Imagine love, transmogrifying your anger into determination of resolution.
Love imagines you, but your mind has been too small, so you have no clue what that means.
Imagine love caressing you ever so gently when you rise each day, empowering you to imagine love.
What exactly is it that you imagine, in those moments you lay waiting for sleep as your mind still races?
Can you tell, clearly, what you imagine love is supposed to mean on a daily basis throughout your life?
CAN you imagine love... WILL you imagine love improving the very thought processes that drive you?
What do you imagine love will be, when we continue on a track of the purest driven greed?
The few of us who still care about the human race, the few who seek to sleep well,
we imagine love differently from your new mode, preferring love of yesteryear,
where the instinct of love is to share, far beyond grabbing for selfselfself.
Imagine love penetrating all your training, where you imagine more love.


Imagine love, lighting you up,
imagine love, overflowing your cup.
Imagine love can change you today,
and you'll find that it works, in every way.
Imagine love, showing you now,
With enough of a why there is always a how.
Imagine love, as solid as a dime, coins stacking up with the passage of time.

This is your time, this is your chance,
act as if with fire in the seat of your pants.
Imagine love, and you are assured of reciprocity:
Love imagines you, and waits little more than yours.

If you haven't a why, there is always a how.
Imagine Love

Imagine love, awakening the best inclinations within you.
Imagine love, dissolving your anger into a tight focus on resolution.
Love imagines you, and waits patiently for you to reciprocate in kind,
wanting you to imagine love in return for the purpose of empowerment.
Do you undertand that love imagines you and wants you to imagine love?

Imagine love caressing you ever so gently when you rise each day, empowering you to imagine love.
What exactly is it that you imagine, in those moments you lay waiting for sleep as your mind still races?
Can you tell, clearly, what you imagine love is supposed to mean on a daily basis throughout your life?
CAN you imagine love... WILL you imagine love improving the very thought processes that drive you?
What do you figure love will be when we can no longer imagine love, pursuing only self-interest?
Do you know that when you imagine love you change more than your perspective or self-drive?
When you imagine love you boost your immune system and your ability to create resolutions.
Those among us who care deeply about the human race, the few who seek to sleep well,
imagine love progressing to the heights of how we could imagine love ala yesteryear,
where the prime instinct of your love is to share, far beyond grabbing for selfselfself.
Imagine love penetrating all of your best inclinations, where you imagine love.
Speak less and do more, beginning today with this simple act: imagine love.
Imagine love flowing from you, imagine love being brought back to you.
Love imagines you even more when you take the time to imagine love.