The Shapetalking Psychology On Your Wisdom
All wisdom contains multiple layers, multiple levels of usefulness.
When you think you've gotten something useful, do not limit yourself there.
Look for the second level of utility, and then the third and even the fourth and fifth.
Your learning curve goes up in just mere minutes, even today, when you look past first blush.
Every human you've ever met who was or is worth admiring uses this magical PowerGem.
A PowerGem is a deliciously open yet hidden secret of the Shapetalking Psychology.
One other thought here, among the most important of the Shapetalking Psychology :
You already know that what goes around comes around, ala "What goes up..."
Click through to TheHungerSite, one time every day that you live and breathe.
Watch how quickly a dozen or more facets of your life begin improving.
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BELIEVE the Shapetalking Psychology.
Click through to TheHungerSite, and its related HELPING websites.
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As with every act of anonymous kindness you commit, YOU win.
You will, as we all do, experience some of your best feelings.
What goes up, comes down: what goes around comes around.
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All that you did and all that you do
Shortcuts to the motherland, 'cause "fatherland's" too sere,
nazi-like in implication, homeland security-like in 're-education,
shortcuts to its digitization. enfeebling the popalace of a grieving nation.
The fuse of a dollar, the bomb of a c-note, determines the casting of the next dice thrown
When there's no one there to buy, and the leaders fall from high,
you'll learn to grow fresh veggies underneath your patch of sky.
Little steps by little men, engaged by women, who knew they can
prodded by dreams of children raised
in highest hopes of our better traits.
To produce the best of a land once again,
is as patriotic as it might ever get.
Raise your notes on high, alone,
raise your voices, one by one,
the chorus soars to win anew.
a fresher bright beginning
to a new and better you.
I'll be there to cheer you on,
indulged by fascination,
knowing that we stand together
or fall as a once-great nation
Shortcuts to the bastion
of all we've cherished thus
well, can we march together,
I'm first on the freedom bus.
You must exceed unproductive words,
with glib divided praise,
what's at stake is nothing less
than these United States.
The call of glory reaches out,
it's at your home, let there be no doubt.
There is no more noblesse oblige
you're next to be taken out.
Answer all, this call of Man,
to freedom's reach you must and can.
As always as it's been before,
the same old friends will open their doors.
Mend your fence and mind your friends,
your need is clearly in the present tense.
Stand up and ask for help today,
and see how fast it's on the way.
But ask as if you mean it now,
and not "sometime, somewhere somehow."
Now blather on with blarney, tell tall tales throughout the night,
you will accomplish nothing beyond multiplying
this horrific civic blight.
Gather all your skirts and shirts, answer this, your call,
to put it all quite bluntly, your backs are now against the wall.
Who Have They Told?
are all that we need or care of for you.
Salt of the earth that you prove to be,
showing a glowing of coping and hoping.
Let the stars sparkle, in colorful bursts,
you must not allow them to do their worst.
Stand up and shout, use what you've got,
Jump your voice loud, and you'll see what's what.
The world will hear you crystal clear
when you do it again without little fear
climb into time and take your place
Glowing righteously on thy face.
Brighter, and brighter
let the sun shine
you're the fix for all wrongs,
so we'll hear your song.
let your voice ring forth with what you see wrong,
let it ring louder with the sound of your joys,
All that is good rises from the earth,
your answers are found in where you find worth.
You had it, you have it, you shall for all time,
the answer, my child, in your mirror's eye.
All that you say and all that you do
are just what we need to know of you.
Look again now, this is history's time,
take your place standing up, speaking but truth.
The cycle goes round with conceited deception
trolling your pride to hide fair inspection
If you stopped to look at what's worked before,
you'll find that you knew it all along.
Turn off, turn off, there's power afoot,
when idle minds capture a glance,
this cycle went well, from the daughter of madness,
delighting us through the final dance.