Secrets of Success For Embracing The Shapetalking Psychology

The 2,389 unique sites created for you by Mr-Shortcut are not mere duplicates,
although the top two thousand Mr-Shortcut documents are near-replicated up to a thousand times.
No two pages are identical. Each of the neighboring websites have up to a million and two million differences.
Every page has been created, opened, and rendered unique by a single pair of hands, thanks to the pioneer masters.
The javascript geniuses often showcased at and so many other sites, the masters of these photos and art;
THEY deserve standing ovations, which is why they are each thanked so many hundreds, sometimes thousands of times.
To those of who who've helped build the true internet, evening the playing field for all, open source, and sharing methods,
YOU are the heroes of my generation. Because of you, people like me who do more than the morons or the greedy,
those of us who understand how stupid these people look driving in five-thousand dollar cars costing them fifty,
those of us who get it that paying a dollar for a one-cent doughnut, five bucks for a penny's worth of coffee,
adds up to thousands of dollars over just the next few hundred weeks, because we understand time.
Our ability to undertand and act on powerful information is largely because of people who share.
There is nothing you are great at without the influence of someone before you even greater.
Your job and your mission may well be to match or exceed whomever you most admire.
The masters and millionaires and champions, and sometimes the billionaires, know.
They do better, proving they know better. So, they show better to the rest of us.
You will find tidbits and delights at this site not existing on any other website.
For example, this is the first work of art with thousands of defined colors.
As well, there are mini-PowerGem tidbits strewn literally by the score.
PowerGems are the only diamonds we believe are need to succeed.
People die and suffer for diamonds, such as those that you wear.
Comprehensive manipulation of the most uninformed among us.
You will never, long as you live, ever be able to tell if it's real.
No human eye on earth can tell a real diamond from a fake,
not without the help of many magnifications. a hard fact.
As long as you live, you will not actually use a diamond.
Its dollar value will be lower when you decide to sell it.
You'll not need it to drill a tooth unless you're a DDS.
you will never use it to cut a hunk of glass, will you?
Diamonds. One of the ten great scams of all time.
Diamonds, one of the most violent scams ever.
For more than a century now, we believe in it!
The blood dripping from every diamond,
priced ten times higher than your truth,
is great for women I'd never marry.
Birds like shiny bits of glass, too.
How bright is YOUR bird?
... and you'll never know.
Is it real, or glass?
Are you real?
We'll know
by what
you do.

Imagine taking that three thousand, five thousand, twenty, whatever you thought you'd spend on that diamond,
and rather than a useless trinket that may be stolen, robbed, chopped, lost, or sold for pennies on the dollar,
you select a whole-life insurance policy, paying one or nine or thirty thousand dollars, in advance,
and hand the paperwork over to your beloved and say the following irresistably romantic words:
Darling. I love you and wish to have many children with you, who are going to be expensive.
With this paper, I have planted enormous seeds for the education of our first two kids.
With this paper, we ensure that, twenty years from now, fifteen if our kid is a genius,
he or she will be able to afford any college or university anywhere in the world.
I love you that much, and want you to be the mother of all of my children.
Will you marry me, sweetheart?"

What kind of girl would rather have a useless bit of dangerous, blood-drenched glass or carbon?
What girl would rather have a diamond ring than a rock-solid, locked-in-the-insurance-company-bank,
a guaranteed future for at least two children, with the likelihood that this little trick may be pulled off repeatedly?
Do you want to marry a girl who would mortgage the three-hundred-thousand-dollar education of your kids for a toy?
If so, go ahead, the Shapetalking Psychology is not likely your cup of tea. This is for folks who live beyond themselves.
All that you wish and all that you see, is a function of your educational history. What you want tells us plenty.
Personally, there is a feeling of obligation to continue paying attention to the best of all my teachers.
Without exception, an element of service, and the nobility that lives therein, was passed on.
Since I believe that all of my best teachers, from Prof. J.R. Ewing to Artie Marzigliano,
from Dr. Monsignor Kellogg to Sun Tzu, the hands-on teachers, and those of history,
uniformly and without exception know more about life and success than you do.
That's why it is my intent to pay more attention to their suggestions than yours.
The Shapetalking Psychology is a compendium of the ways of masters,
the champions who produce world-class results repeatedly.
At the horse's mouth, or at the wrong end of the horse?
If you like, join me, learning to imitate masters,
imitating their words, actions, attitudes.
So far, many shattered records.
If you really know better?
Please, show me first.

Get more from yourself and the assets you have access to.
Boost yourself upwards with the Shapetalking Psychology.

Every day you waste is filled with minutes - opportunities - you cannot get back.
Take the time to stop every single day to enumerate clearly the top five items of the day.
Stop forming opinions. Most of them have proved useless to you. Process information carefully.
Since there is no cost or charge for you to try these methods for rapid acceleration, let yourself try.
Trading just one of every ten petty chatty minutes for a minute of your best thinking gives you profit.
The only opinions you can benefit from are the opinions of those who have repeatedly done it successfully.
The Shapetalking Psychology is the ultimate in self-empowerment, with The Godfather of EyeCandy, for You 
These are the great shortcuts of Masters and millionaires, the great shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
indubitably YOUR Shortcuts to succeeding. That's why the Shapetalking Psychology is here for your life     One-Shortcut.US

No Charge To You - Let's help the helpless with free clicks that produce FREE FOOD

One clickthrough - one life saved
Meritable sponsors of (no relation to us). buy cups of food for starving people with free clickthroughs!
When you click this food button and the one that pops open, a starving human gets fed, at no charge to you.
What sweeter function can the Shapetalking Psychology provide?   You become MY hero, my heroine ...

Share the Shapetalking Psychology With Global Generosity!

Bookmark and Share The Shapetalking Psychology

Share the Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity with YOUR intimates,
the people you most wish to assist, and to empower in their own pursuit of success,
for the Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity can be used by all.
The more we give away in life, the more that life repays our repeat generosity.
Empower people to empower themselves, effectively teaching us all to help.
The helpless of the world, whether creature or human, within air, sea, land,
all cry out to you to remediate the unconscionable greed of the wealthiest.

Share the Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity today.
Help to even up the playing field, living a life that lives beyond you.
How you spend your minutes shows how you're spending your life.
You get to double all results every hundred tries or so if you wish.
All masters of success can verify these master secrets of life.
The more you reach to help others, the more life reaches you.
Before you do more, cease pretending that you know more.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, correct?
Act the way you want to be to become the way you act.
When you imitate the great masters of this universe,
you imitate the results of these great role models.
PowerGems are of the masters of this universe.
You know more than those who still do more?
Speaking less, and doing more, is yours.
Share the Shapetalking Psychology.
Let us even the playing field.

A few more tiny tastes of the Shapetalking Psychology :

At Fourteen       All Quit Smoking Pages       ayurvedic-medicine       Ayurveda 2       Billions
Boost       Brain tuner      Breathing 2       Breath Of Life       Mission       Chelation 2
Chiropractic       Clearing       Cold Cure       Doctors       Doctors 2       Health       Health2       Health Index
Herbal-medicine       Herbal-medicine2       Hugs       Hundreds


Iceberg       Infratonic       Masterlinks       Masters       Med Destiny       Medical dollars
Incredible Power      Oxygen Therapy       Mini Index Page
Quit-smoking 2       Quit Smoking III       QXCI       Rife Technology

Since the Shapetalking Psychology is, naturally, already a part of you,
embrace the secrets of the Shapetalking Psychology as a part of your daily life.
Breathe deeply, not in shallow spurts. Drink enough water. Stretch several times per day.

Just about everything in the Shapetalking Psychology is well worth repeating. Here's a great example.
Until you have mastered your corner of interest, researching at the Shapetalking Psychology and beyond,
ALWAYS consult with your primary health care provider before making any changes in medication.
Until you master at least one hundred new facts about what ails you, consult with professionals.
Pharmaceuticals are so dangerous they sometimes cause problems if you stop taking them.
Any physician who reaches for Rx drugs before natural answers cannot be a top doctor.
Always consult WITH a trusted primary health care provider: you must participate!
If you leave your most important health decisions to others, you may well lose.
Allowing others to decide your greatest decisions is the height of stupidity.
Other people cannot be expected to care more for you than for money.
This is a sad and unchanging fact of life. Your life is no exception.
Learning more, you participate intelligently in health decisions.
Learn about what ails you in pursuit of achieving its defeat.
Learning just one hundred facts, your mastery develops.
You can find natural answers to every health challenge.
Every health challenge has 'natural healing' answers.
If you knew better, you would do so much better.
Give attention to those who have, and still do,
living stronger for longer, doing so naturally.

Such is your Shapetalking Psychology.

Health Index - Route Of True Longevity

Wealth index into the Shapetalking Psychology

Return to the top of this Shapetalking Psychology page

Get more from yourself and the assets you have access to, in pursuit of greater balance.
Take the Shapetalking Psychology and help yourself... so you can better help others.
Newton's Third Law is a cornerstone of the Shapetalking Psychology.

Every day you waste is filled with minutes - opportunities - you cannot get back.
Take the time to stop every single day to enumerate clearly the top five items of the day.
Stop forming opinions. Most of them have proved useless to you. Process information carefully.
Trading just one of every ten petty chatty minutes for a minute of your best thinking gives you profit.
The best opinions we can most benefit from are opinions of those who have repeatedly done it successfully.
The Shapetalking Psychology is the ultimate in self-empowerment, with The Godfather of EyeCandy, for You 
These are the great shortcuts of Masters and millionaires, the great shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
indubitably YOUR Shortcuts to succeeding. That's why the Shapetalking Psychology is here for your life.

Facets and Benefits of the Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity - Affiliate Marketing.
Where the Route Of True Longevity aims to keep you living stronger for longer, with HealthGems, QRA, etc.,
the Shapetalking Psychology exists within you to generate enough income to develop wealth, which yields choice.
The more choices we have in life, the happier we see people living, and we only get one life, so make it worthwhile.
Pursuing choices, the Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity come together in affiliate marketing.
By promoting affiliate marketing, more and more people get more and more choices to make for themselves.
Financial wealth is only one of the components of the Shapetalking Psychology towards succeeding well.
If money is one of the reasons you seek to engage your own Shapetalking Psychology, good on you.
If health is primarily why you work to keep the Route Of True Longevity thriving, good on you.
You are invited to become a marketing affiliate for two self-empowering schools of thought.
MoreNiche, so far, appears to be the best marketing affiliate program available now.
The Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity will continue watching,
searching for strictly honorable, and profitable, affiliate marketing programs.
As per a prime Shapetalking Psychology imperative, this program is free.
Affiliate marketing enables you to work at home, starting modestly.
If you happen to develop pleasure in affiliate marketing efforts,
you are likely to do it for more minutes per week, profitably.
Your investment of time is worth more than your money.
Money you can replace simply by asking for more.
Time can never be replaced, so it is precious.
Try affiliate marketing, to see for yourself.
You do not even need to fire your boss
Begin your affiliate marketing now.
One step becomes one hundred.
Affiliate with excellence.

MoreNiche Shapetalking Psychology
Affiliate with the Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity

By keeping the Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity independent, without selling books, cds, tapes, etc.,
the independent credibility of both the Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity are protected, while serving.
As long as the Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity exist in service, affiliate marketing is our suggestion.

Diamonds that might be showing,
all these burning souls still glowing,
in the fires of a diamond that no good human knows.
In the afterlight of brilliance that a diamond can deliver,
diamond blood still flows today, in rivulets and rivers.
Take the diamond oath today, rejecting diamonds,
Those diamond diamonds still smell rotten,
from the tip of the diamond to the bottom.
Diamonds that should   will be showing,
burning diamond souls still growing,
in the fires of a diamond that no good people know.
Afterglow of coruscance that diamonds might deliver,
diamond blood unstanched, both in rivulets and rivers.
Toss the diamond oath repudiating diamonds to the last,
stench of bloody diamonds just illumines lower class.
For who can use a diamond, IT HAS NO UTILITY,
for pros, sure, but never for you or me.
Diamond-like diamonds still smell rotten,
from the tip of the diamond to the bottom,
Diamonds never had value before the 20th,
and still have no value but for diamond pros,
dipping fingers in the blood of those diamonds,
drinking their full share of such diamond blood,
Diamonds cannot free, just let the diamonds be.

The Shapetalking Psychology urges you to think for yourself, from a financial point of view.
Monopoly assures the end-consumer, in diamonds and in areas beyond diamonds, loss of profit.
As portable wealth, diamonds lose money every time, proving that diamonds are bad porta-wealth.
Whatever you pay for those diamonds, you will rarely if ever recoup the huge price of that diamond.
Diamonds have no value, you cannot tell a real diamond from a fake diamond, no unaided eye can.
Diamonds cause grief, and abject poverty, in regions where wealth is eponentiated by diamonds.
The Shapetalking Psychology requires thoughts that supercede the pettiness of profit pursuit.
However poor a job your parents may have done, teaching you that profit trumps all,
you have the choice, at any time, to reconfigure your priorities to true nobility.
Understanding that diamonds have no intrinsic value outside of industry,
wealth multiplies when you embrace the Shapetalking Psychology.
Learn more that you might live more, earn more, give more.