The Shapetalking Psychology Reminds You That Nearly EVERYTHING can be gotten at a discount.
Printed price tags in stores are not written in stone. That means you do NOT have to continue paying retail.
If you can't think of three reasons for a seller to give you a discount, then try just one reason.
If it doesn't work, come up with another reason to give you a discount, or use the first again.
Try this the first chance you get, and then try it again and again, making it a simple habit.
This one magic trick by itself will put AT LEAST ten percent more cash back in your pocket,
every year that you make a habit of giving people reasons to give you a discount.
On those occasions where owners do not want to give you anything off,
don't stop smiling. Continue being pleasant no matter what...
... while making certain you don't just accept that "No!".
Smile. Give them another reason to give you a discount.
Should it fail again, bring your business elswehere, hm?
The Shapetalking Psychology is not about saving pennies.
The higher the cost of the item, the higher the savings.
These are additional dollars staying in your pocket,
to be used for better investments in your future.
Stop accepting retail prices without question.
It's ridiculous, and, so sorry, tends to...
well, yes, it makes the buyer look silly.
Ask for a better price. Then ask again.
The Shapetalking Psychology means NOW.
The Shapetalking Psychology IS now.
The more you get "into" life,
the more it gets into you.