Living Stronger For Longer - Naturally, with your healthiest websites.
starting with your Route Of True Longevity, with Mr. Shortcuts
packed with great health tips for living longer and stronger naturally

Bet you'll enjoy viewing this page more by either tapping your F11 button or waving your mouse here

These are the some of the 1,089+ shortcuts sites crafted by MisterShortcut for you.
Uncountable thanks to the masters and champions who invent fantastic codes and images.

All of these magnificent displays of true power are for you.
Please, develop your wealth and health at higher speeds.
What you know is second to what you do with what you know!

Wave your mouse to discover EyeCandy at all 1000 of the websites known as Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts.
You will also find that your keyboard is uniquely powerful at these sites... (go ahead, type any letter or number)
Look for hidden PowerGems that boost all your results.

Many of these sites are hosted with smaller companies, more than a few likely to go out of business.
 As of today, there are more than a thousand Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts websites,
each one designed and created by MisterShortcut, Godfather of EyeCandy

with treats and visual surprises: EyeCandy,
all here for your life.

1,000,000 unique pages, and beyond,
in pursuit of your success,
all by MisterShortcut
all for you
with love

Feed a starving, hurting kid today, NO CHARGE to you.

All rights reserved for those who reach out to starving people.     You can give, at no cost to you.
Easy Way To Become A Hero Of The Route Of True Longevity !
Meritable sponsors donate 1.1 cups of staple food for our free clicks.
Clicking this food button and the one that pops open you actually save a real life... no charge to you.

Are we having fun yet?     It's been delightful creating it for you.
What you know means little to any of us.
What you DO with what you know fascinates us. 

Do more with what you know.
You’ll find that you are accelerating your success significantly.
Psst. Tap any letter or number on your keyboard. Is that great, or what?

Shortcuts and more Shortcuts at -- where else? the Philosophy of Shortcuts, possibly the world's largest website.
Created by a single pair of hands, unpaid and unacknowledged -- fifty thousand hours and more --
all of The Philosophy of Shortcuts websites, the Masters and Millionaires websites,
The Philosophy of Shortcuts and other "Psychology of ____" sites - each and all,
are devoted to you, in hope that you'll be smart enough to smell the roses.

The Philosophy of Shortcuts and Pathway of Great Health are, simply,
the most effective methods and the best shortcuts of world-class achievers.
Without a doubt, knowledge can and shall change the world, already is,
and it begins with you as long as you understand that knowledge alone
is not power; knowledge is only potential power until you deploy it.
Make the most of these best shortcuts at The Philosophy of Shortcuts,
the best Route Of True Longevity offered at The Philosophy of Shortcuts.
Learn more, live more, in hope that you'll give more. It's quite a formula;
one that has a strong tendency to induce inexplicable feelings of happiness,
of fulfillment, of what might be called "Paul Newman Syndrome" of attainment,
wherein everything you touch, everyone you touch, turns to living gold, living love.

With much love for you,
and belief in you,
I humbly remain,

The Philosophy of Shortcuts, rich with wealth shortcuts and more,
and the Philosophy of Shortcuts, focusing on living stronger for longer,
are dedicated to the development of your potential and excellence... to Longevity
offer you many and also vast opportunities to help you to help yourself.
Whatever your reaons or excuses for not puruing the best in you,
it's hard to give them legitimacy in sight of so many shortcuts.
The Philosophy of Shortcuts helps to open the doors..
The largest collection of effective shortcuts
surely the best shortcuts of all time.
Let's go for yours, simply because you're worth it,
because there is greatness in you just waiting to come out.
USE the great PowerGems within YOUR Philosophy of Shortcuts,
because no one can use these shortcuts for you until you use them first.
built personally just for you by the Godfather of Shortcuts...

Put away your wallet, hold your credit card,
EyeCandy and PowerGems are pro bono art.

EyeCandy Capital, it is true, this is,
from our generation's most prolific whiz,
but PowerGems are really where it's all at,
sweet secrets we share from up under my hat.
Reach for the best, within you and without,
you will break world records, of this there's no doubt.

Count out the deeds, the music, the art,
the poems and prose found right here,
all done with shortcuts, called PowerGems,
and as easily achieved, by you, too, my dear.

Enjoy the EyeCandy and PowerGems Palaces built for you here,
because the Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity,
your healthiest and wealthiest websites online, are all here for your life.

Shapelinks Poem - Shapetalking Psychology

Shapelinks corner of the universe,
shapelinks corner for PowerGems truth,
shapelinks centralization for personal realization,
Let shapelinks carry you up to building YOUR own nation.
The country of you is waiting, with Shapelinks showing the way,
for beyond all these shapelinks, is power beyond,
all to bring YOU to the best of your days.